We Should Be The Best We Can Be For We Are All God's Masterpiece

Learning in Year 5 and 6 is planned in a cross-curricular way ensuring that children can make connections between English and other areas of the curriculum. Lessons are designed to challenge all pupils throughout with many opportunities for teachers and students to assess the learning taking place.

Topic overview

We have a two year rolling programme:

Autumn term

Spring term

Summer term


The Anglo-Saxons

The Great Outdoors

World War II

Rivers & Ancient Egyptians

The Mayans and Fairtrade



Physical education takes place on the following days for Year 5 and 6. Children are to have their PE kit in school on all days. 

Mrs Pirie  Mrs Buck Miss de Rossi  Mrs Roberts & Mrs Reynolds Miss Bond Miss Longley

Friday PM (Indoor)

Thursday AM (Outdoor)

Friday PM (Indoor)

Thursday AM (Outdoor)

Friday PM (Indoor)

Thursday PM (Outdoor)

Monday PM (Indoor)

Thursday PM (Outdoor)

Wednesday PM (Indoor)

Friday PM (Outdoor)

Wednesday PM (Indoor)

Friday PM (Outdoor)

Please ensure a pair of trainers is also at school for other days when children are on the school field for break and lunch times. 

All jewellery is to be removed for these lessons.  We expect all children to be able to remove their own jewellery (including earrings) by themselves and long hair must be tied up.

*Year 6 children will also have the opportunity to go swimming on Friday afternoons. . 

Details of Home Learning

Each week children will have spellings, reading and times tables to complete. The times tables practice is to be completed on TTRockstars. Each child has their own login and their class teacher will be setting times tables for them to work on. The amount of practice completed will be checked weekly. All children will be expected to read regularly at home every week.

A further task will be set on Google Classroom. When on Google Classroom, the learning will need to be ‘turned in’.  

To login to Google classroom please click here


SATs are taken by year 6 children in May every year. In the lead up to this, year 6 children will be given CGP revision guides (Maths and Grammar) which will replace Home Learning after Christmas. Pages to complete will be set weekly. There is a SATs information evening for parents taking place in January which will explain this further.

Key information:

After SATs, the year 6 children go on a 5 day residential to Whitemoor Lakes. This is a fantastic week enjoyed by all.

In Summer, year 6 children will be preparing for their leaver’s production in recognition of their time at Brixworth Primary School. This will be an incredibly enjoyable and fun-filled way to end their final primary school year.

Parents can support their children's learning through reading and discussing the books daily, and by giving children the opportunity to visit the local library to read about and research our topics.

If you would like to discuss how you can help your child at home, please see your child's class teacher. We welcome parental involvement in the life of our school.

If you have any questions about our years 5/6 phase please do not hesitate to make an appointment with our phase leader Mrs Reynolds.


Upper Key Stage 2 Long Term Plan



Contact the School

Brixworth CEVC Primary School

Froxhill Crescent
Northampton NN6 9BG
Phone: 01604 883900


See Map


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