We Should Be The Best We Can Be For We Are All God's Masterpiece

Please find below the email address of your child’s class teacher which you can use to contact them with any questions or queries which you may have. Please can messages relevant to that day be given to the school office and not emailed to the class teacher. Teachers are unable to check their emails throughout the day and important messages can be missed. Please call the office on 01604 883900 or email




Email address

Mrs Sparks (Mon - Wed)

Mrs Mistry (Wed - Fri)

Foundation Stage

Mrs Nourish (Mon – Wed)

Mrs Partridge (Wed - Fri)

Foundation Stage

Mrs Casson (Mon - Tue)

Mrs Shipley (Wed - Fri)

Foundation Stage

Miss Cooper

Year 1

Mrs Willis (Mon - Wed)

Mrs Walter (Wed - Fri)

Year 1

Mrs Hancock (Tue - Wed)

Mrs Stiles (Mon, Thu, Fri)

Year 2

Miss Rigby

Year 2

Mr Curt Year 2

Miss Worster

Year 3

Mrs Elston 

Mrs Dean-Foster

Year 3

Year 3

Mrs Varrier

Year 4

Mrs Devereux Year 4
Miss Duckworth Year 4

Mrs Pirie Year 5

Miss de Rossi

Year 5

Mrs Buck

Year 5

Mrs Roberts (Mon - Wed)

Mrs Reynolds (Thurs, Fri)

Year 6 

Miss Longley  Year 6 

Miss Bond

Year 6


Contact the School

Brixworth CEVC Primary School

Froxhill Crescent
Northampton NN6 9BG
Phone: 01604 883900


See Map


Need to contact the School? Full contact details are on our Contact Us page!

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